
pop culture characters

image:La ligue des gentlemen extraordinairesIl y a eu un grand pas qd les personnages de comics ont appartenu à leur créateur et non à DC ou Marvel, mais au sujet des copyrights/droits d'auteurs, je lis aujourd'hui une intéressante réflexion de Matthew Baldwin à la lumière du comics La ligue des Gentlemen Extraordinaires d'Alan Moore, concernant la réutilisation des personnages :

LXG is based on a comic book entitled The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which hit the shelves a few years back and chronicled the adventures of a late-19th-century crime-fighting team composed of the most remarkable literary characters of the Victorian Age: Allan Quartermain, hero of King Solomon's Mines, H.G. Wells's Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, and the legendary Captain Nemo. Together they travel the world, interact with the fictitious creations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Edgar Allan Poe, and even come to loggerheads with the Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu. It was a series that caused a stir amongst the comicati because it had it all: intelligent writing, literary allusion, and guys with superpowers punching the crap out of each other.

The book's author, Alan Moore, was able to create this literary-parallel universe because the protagonists are all within the public domain, and so are not owned by any one person or corporation, and thus available for anyone to use without having to pay royalties. This is why you can watch low-budget Sherlock Holmes mysteries on PBS, buy a copy of Alice in Wonderland for under five bucks, and see Shakespeare in the park for free.

edit: tiens, Gino parle de On writing comics de Moore.


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